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Sprite Box Coding for children easy and text free

Sprite Box Coding for children easy and text free


Danny  Yaroslavski ran into a big blocker when designing SpriteBox Coding, a learn-to-code game for kids ages 5+. For some kids, code was simply unapproachable. Although with their previous game LightBot, they had already proven that kids ages 5+ were capable of writing complex programs with icons. The goal for their next title SPrite Box was to get kids engaged and familiar with ‘real’ text programming so that they could advance to real programming languages. Problem is, many newcomers, kids and adults alike, believe that code is inherently complex simply because it looks complex. So the first challenge became ‘How do we make code look friendly?’ 

As a test, they replaced the text with icons, and many playtesters’ initial fears dissipated. Players were more confident in approaching the game and parents estimated that the target age for the app was much lower. Today Sprite Box coding will soon be available on IOS and Android.. for full story read the link... 


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