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Cryptaur Announces Partnerships with NEM and ProximaX

Cryptaur Announces Partnerships with NEM and ProximaX


Cryptaur, a decentralized ecosystem for P2P services, has signed a partnership with ProximaX and NEM following the first public demonstration of X-game at GITEX Future Stars 2018.

ProximaX will be used within X-game to host the ePassports of all users and to store the data of game characters and their elements. NEM, on the other hand, is used as a decentralized registry for Cryptaur users.

The agreement was signed personally by Lon Wong, First President of NEM and Founder of ProximaX. For Cryptaur, the partnership comes at a time of exciting developments.

X-game is an innovative blockchain-based game that implements a unique P2E (Play-to-Earn) concept to reward users for their time and efforts. X-game aims to reinvent the gaming industry by rewarding users rather than relying on hidden P2W (Pay-to-Win) models that currently dominate the gaming sphere.

“ProximaX will be an important element in ensuring user confidence in the Cryptaur platform. In the near future, we plan to implement the storage of personal documents of our participants based on ProximaX, reliably protecting them with modern encryption algorithms,” said Dimitri Buriak, CEO of Cryptaur.

The partnership signals an exciting expansion of the Cryptaur platform. 2018 has been a productive year for the Cryptaur team, who have been steadily overtaking their milestones throughout the year. X-game follows the successful launch of credit cards by Fintech United Group in June earlier this year, and the launch of automatic KYC at Fintech United Group in August.


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